CV & LinkedIn Review

Tired of sending out hundreds of job applications and getting nowhere? We get it.

In today's job market, just uploading CVs online doesn't work anymore. The only way for you to land interviews nowadays is by combining a good CV with an optimised LinkedIn profile.

Your CV tells your story, and your LinkedIn profile makes sure recruiters see it.

Recruiters are reaching out to thousands of candidates every single day on LinkedIn with job opportunities, so how do you make sure you're one of them? That's where we got over 100 applicants so far, and you're the next one!

This is how it works:

  • Send us your CV & LinkedIn: Send us your CV & LinkedIn profile and tell us about your career goals and which jobs you're applying for. 
  • We work on it (5-7 days): We'll email you to clarify any outstanding questions and let you know when you should expect your documents back!
  • We send you the review: We'll send you your review with a 20-30 min recording explaining all the changes so you can also learn yourself!

What you'll get at the end:

  • ATS Proof CV: A tailored, professional CV that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements, making you stand out to potential employers.
  • Optimised LinkedIn Profile: An optimised LinkedIn profile that increases your visibility and gets recruiters reaching out to you with hundreds of job opportunities.
  • Actionable Insights: In-depth feedback and actionable insights that not only improve your CV and LinkedIn profile but also help you understand what employers are looking for.

This is what our applicants are saying:

Wanted to share this with you! I updated my LinkedIn with the feedback you gave from the review, and I've got 2 recruiters in my inbox in 2 days. Crazy.

Honestly, thank you so much for the help. If it wasn't for your CV review, I wouldn't have got this job because it made me standout.

Thank you for the feedback on my CV and LinkedIn, it was super useful and helpful! I applied for a couple of jobs already and have 3 interview lined up for the BDR position I was applying for.

£120.00 GBP